Day 4 ~ Unexpected Excitement

Tuesday, June 12, 2012
During my first trip to Ethiopia I bought both Noah and Isaiah matching traditional outfits, but I soon realized that it would be a year or so before Isaiah could wear his, so I decided to buy him another one that he could wear now. I had to get a few pictures of him wearing while we were still there! Doesn't he look so stinkin cute!!!

After we played dress up it was time to feed Isaiah lunch. I was getting the food out of his diaper bag and apparently he was trying to get to me by pulling on the chair and next thing I know he fell to the side, hitting his little head on the concrete floor :-( It was the longest 5 minutes of my life!! He took in the first big scream but when I picked him up he never exhaled! I got so scared and then his lips turned grey and his eyes rolled back in his head. To say I was freaking is an understatement!! Apparently he got the wind knocked out of him and it just looked a lot more traumatic due to his young age. After a few minutes he was okay, and was acting fine, but for safety measures Bete suggested we take him to the pediatrician's office to get checked out. That trip was when I realized just how much Isaiah did not like men!! We are still working on that, even now! What can I say, that is what happens when your mommy isn't married, Ha!

After our trip to the pediatrician's office, we stopped at Birhan Orphange so I could check on a sweet little guy for my friends. At the time they were waiting to travel for court and they are now waiting to get embassy clearance. Their little guy is so cute and funny. His smile is just precious. He immediately latched on to my hip and wouldn't let go of my hand while we were there. I could have stayed and played with those kiddos all day. So sweet!!
I pray that every single one of those children soon have a family to call their own!!

It was again pretty neat to be outside the transition house with my baby! Even though, Bete had joked with me that if anyone asked, Isaiah was her baby, Ha!!

Below are some more pictures of the streets of Ethiopia. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of Ethiopia and my experience there. Sometimes I see something that reminds me of my time there or sometimes I just look at Isaiah and immediately my mind goes back to my trips there and the wonderful and beautiful things God showed me while I was there. I pray if it is God's Will, I will be back there again some day in the future. According to Noah I need to go back to get his sister!

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