Day 5

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Day 5 meant we had one more night before we would start the long journey home!! I was thrilled at the idea of getting home and seeing Noah and introducing him to his brother but part of me was sad to leave a place that I had come to love and would deeply miss. Even today two months later I still have moments where I close my eyes and picture myself back there. I was forever changed the first time I stepped foot in beautiful Ethiopia and I never want to forget everything I experienced there. My prayer is that the Lord will allow me the opportunity to go back there soon!

Woudneh was traveling to Dira Dawa the next morning and was leaving very early, so we had to say our good byes that night. I feel very blessed to have met both Woudneh and Bete and I love them both. They are both wonderful people who have such a huge heart for children.

Woudneh made me cry when he kissed Isaiah good bye. He told me that this was how his father used to kiss him, and as he kissed his forhead he said "I love you my boy" Seriously, I was a mess :-)

I was definitely an emotional mess that night, thinking about leaving Ethiopia, the long flight home and getting home to my other son and findng our new normal. Little did I know what the flight home would involve!! 

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