Like A Ton Of Bricks

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
That is how I have felt the last 5 days and counting......I seriously went to bed feeling fine last Friday night and woke up Saturday morning feeling like someone had knocked me upside the head with a ton of bricks in my sleep!! I had to work a 12hr shift on Saturday so I forced myself out of bed and got ready, made it to work, but only lasted 45 minutes before having to leave. I got sick twice in those 45 minutes and literally felt like I was going to pass out while I was walking. I was honestly worried I would not make it home, but thankfully I did! I went straight to bed for the next 6 hours and when I finally had enough strength to get out of bed I went to the ICC where I was diagnosed with strep!! Ugh!!

I'm thinking okay, give me a Z-pack and send me on my way and I will be better in a day or two. Um, not even close!! I literally have spent the last 5 days in bed, crying, running a fever, chills, getting sick, literally feeling like I was dying!! It has been horrible!! My diet has consisted of Popsicles and yesterday I ended up in the ER for dehydration and was hooked up to a bag of fluids and given a new antibiotic along with some cough medicine to help me sleep. The doctor said adults usually have a harder time getting over strep then children do. Ya think?!?!

Thankfully this morning I woke up feeling a little better, so I think it is safe to say I am on the road to recovery :) The only upside to being so sick is I have lost 12lbs in 4 days, Ha!! I am very thankful to have such an awesome family who has really helped me with Noah these last few days! I seriously don't know what I would have done without my sister especially who literally kept him at her house so I could stay in bed and get well. She did post on my facebook last night that while saying his prayers he was praying for Jesus to make me better because he really missed his bed, Ha!! Love that little boy so much!! I told him he and I are going to have a big date night this Friday :)

For those of you who have been praying for me these last few days THANK YOU!! You are all such a blessing to me!!


  1. Sorry you have been so sick...glad you are feeling better!!

  2. Thanks Brittney!! I hope all the sickness has left your house for good as well :)
