I have been thinking about Silas A LOT lately!! Dreaming about him, praying for him and thinking about the day he is home forever!! Last week I spoke with
Lifesong to get an update on my fundraising account and I got some news the brought me to tears!!! There was a donation made to my account for $1,000!!! I was overwhelmed by the gracious giving of that special person and rejoicing and praising the amazing God we serve who not only placed adoption on my heart but also placed orphan care on that person's heart!! I can't wait to tell Silas about all the people who helped bring him home!! For those of you who feel lead to make a tax deductible donation, there is a button on the left hand side of my blog.

This Saturday I am having a pancake breakfast fundraiser to help raise money for my adoption. From 8-10 you can come join us for yummy pancakes and a great time of fellowship!! Minimum $5 donation at the door. Noah told me tonight that he didn't know if he could eat any of the pancakes because they weren't going to have any chocolate chips in them :) Silly boy of mine!

I crossed over to the dark side and thanks to some Target gift cards I now own a
Keurig :) I must admit I am slightly obsessed,
LOL Even Noah is
lovin the hot chocolate!!
I can't believe I am admitting this, but this week my sister and I will be revisiting our youth and are going to see New Kids On The Block and The Backstreet Boys!!! Yes I think we are a little crazy :) Now I just need to crimp my hair, tight roll my jeans and tie my shirt on the side, LOL

ya'll are having a great start to your week and staying cool :)
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