The next couple of months after that were when God really started speaking to me through sermons at church, scripture, friends, blogs and even strangers to grow the seed that he had first planted. I will always be so thankful to have such an amazing little boy who knew what he wanted and knew to start praying for it. I have watched Noah's heart grow with love for a little brother that he doesn't even know yet. He gets so excited when we take our trips to the airport to help welcome home another child to their forever family, reminding me that someday soon his little brother will be coming home on an airplane :) He is always quick to point out little boy clothes in stores, telling me we need to get those clothes for Silas and even points out certain toys that he says we need to get him. When I ordered his bunk beds he was quick to tell me that he would need to sleep on the top bunk because Silas would be too little and he didn't want him to get hurt! Melt my heart, he is already looking out for his little brother and he isn't even here yet.
Through this adoption journey Noah has watched me fundraise and fill out applications for grants. While he doesn't fully understand what it all means, he knows that we need money to bring Silas home. One night I was sitting on the couch doing some adoption stuff and Noah came out asking me if I had any tickets? In Noah's language that means receipts. I wasn't really sure why he wanted them, but I went along with it and dug some old receipts out of my purse and gave them to him, then he went on to ask his Grammy and Aunt. By this point I was very curious as to what he was doing, so I just kept watching him. After he had gathered all of his tickets he placed them in an empty tub, then proceeded to get his markers and start writing on the side of it. Below is a picture of the finished product.
I seriously almost lost it when I realized what he was doing. In Noah's 6yr old brain whenever there are receipts involved so is money. He believed that the more receipts he gathered, the more money he would have for Silas. I was speechless. I sat there thinking how blessed I am to have a son who has such an amazing heart for his little brother and how he wants to do whatever he can to help bring him home!! To date that tub is overflowing with Noah's "tickets" and just this afternoon during our trip to Sams Club he was quick to grab the receipt from the door greater and inform me he has another ticket for Silas!!
There are so many things I am anxiously looking forward to in the coming months! Getting a referral, seeing that precious face that I have dreamed about for months, getting to meet my little boy for the first time, seeing his birth country and soaking in as much as I can about his culture BUT the one thing I can't wait to see is the moment my two boys meet each other for the first time and Noah finally gets to have his little brother home forever!!
That is precious!