How Can You Help?!?!

Saturday, July 2, 2011
A couple of weeks ago I found out that not only was I approved for the Both Hands Project through Lifesong but that I was also approved for a fund raising account. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is an account that Lifesong sets up for you so that those who feel lead to support your adoption financially can do so by making a tax deductible donation to Lifesong. All funds raised go directly toward your adoption expenses. Please take a minute to read my support letter on how you can be a part of this amazing God lead journey to bring Silas home to his forever family!!

"God Has Written Adoption On My Heart"
Since I was a teenager I have always known I would adopt after being told I would never have children due to a medical condition. Then God blew me away when I unexpectedly got pregnant and had my little miracle man Noah. Life was crazy and I was enjoying being Mommy to my little guy. Having never forgotten about the child I knew I would adopt once day I placed adoption in the back of my mind, but never did it leave my heart. God used many different people through the years to grow this seed that he had first placed, and it was through Noah that he confirmed now was the time to start the process. Last October after much prayer I started the process to bring home Noah's little brother from Ethiopia!! Currently my dossier is in Ethiopia and I am now waiting for my official referral of the precious little boy God has chosen to join our family, who will be named Silas!!

"How God Has Already Provided"
I could write pages and pages on how God has shown his faithfulness during this journey. Time and time again he has used Brothers and Sisters in Christ to come alongside me and bless me with words of encouragement, prayers and financial funding. Some of these people are those I know well and some are those I don't know at all but who believe in adoption! I fully believe that God has called me to adopt and therefor trust that he will continue to provide as he has so graciously done.

"Joining My Journey"
I am solely dependent on the Lord to provide funding for my adoption. While has placed adoption on my heart, I also believe he has placed orphan care on the hearts of others and will continue to use others to help bring Silas home. If you or someone you know may be interested in helping bring Silas home please prayerfully consider joining my journey. What an honor and blessing it will be to one day share with Silas the details of this journey and how the Lord used so many people to help bring him home to his forever family!

Will you please consider making a tax deductible donation to help pay the remaining adoption expenses to help bring Silas home? If you would like to be a part of bringing Silas home please make your check payable to Lifesong and mail them to:
Lifesong For Orphans
PO Box 40/202 N.Ford Street
Gridley, IL 61744
In the memo section of your check please write:preference Elliott #2084 adoption

Lifesong is a trusted organization administering the funds on Silas's behalf and will pay adoption expenses out of funds received. Funds need to be received by August 1, 2011
*Note: In following IRS guidelines, your donation is to the named non-profit organization.

Thank you for investing in the Kingdom through prayer and finances. It will be an investment with an eternal return~ Matthew 6:20

Please continue to pray for Silas as well as his anxious momma and big brother! Noah and I love you and thank you for your love, support and prayers!!

For online donations go to
Don't forget to put preference Elliott #2084 in the purpose box after you click donate

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