Happy Fall Ya"ll

Saturday, September 15, 2012
Today was absolutely beautiful outside! The boys and I woke up early and enjoyed every minute of it playing outside/inside enjoying this beautiful day the Lord had made. I had a few errands I needed to run but I decided to put those off for the day and just spend my Saturday at home with my boys. I can't remember the last Saturday that I spent at home for an entire day :-) Today was Isaiah's first time wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt and before you think I am super crazy for even getting excited about this, lol let me just tell you not only did he look super cute in his little outfit but it was so funny to watch him look at his arms and try to figure out why he couldn't see his arms anymore, Ha!!
Ignore my out of order pictures :-) I uploaded them from my phone and for some reason it put them in a different order then I picked? Have I mentioned Isaiah just loves showing us his tongue, lol I know I am partial, but seriously how cute it that face!
Noah's face cracks me up! He was obviously done with me asking him to stop his motorcycle so I could take another picture. Isaiah was having so much fun riding on his big brother's motorcycle!
Isaiah's face makes me laugh in this one! As much fun as he was having, there were a couple of times I think he got a little nervous. I love his little hand holding on tight!
He thought he was big stuff hanging out on his bubby's motorcycle!!
Noah was playing his Star Wars game on the Wii and of course his little shadow was right there watching him! I have been so proud of Noah and how he has taken on his role of big brother. Before Isaiah came home I would wonder if Noah would have moments where he would get jealous of Isaiah or tired of sharing me with him. I had prayed that the Lord would prepare his heart. My prayers were answered big time! Seriously, he is so good with Isaiah and the bond they share still amazes me. Isaiah's eyes just lite up when he sees Noah. Makes my heart melt when I see the two of them together!
My little goober hamming it up for the camera, lol
How adorable is he :-) I think he is getting used to me standing him up against the wall in my bedroom for a quick photo shoot, Ha!!
I posted this picture earlier on Facebook and of course one of my friends commented and asked me where Isaiah's clothes were? If you notice he is wearing two different outfits in the pictures I posted. When we were outside playing the first time today he decided to spit up on his clothes, lol but didn't want to go inside so he just rode around in his diaper, lol He didn't seem to mind :-) The second time we went outside after his nap he managed to not spit up on himself.
Even though you can't see Noah's face, I still had to post this picture. I just love the way Isaiah is looking at him and I also love how he has his little hand on Noah's leg. He kept his hand on him the entire time he sat there watching him play his game. He sure does love his brother!!
Hope ya'll are having a great weekend!! We are trying a new church tomorrow. (that is for a whole other post!) I'm praying the Lord would make it clear where he would have us go. Then it's home to enjoy some more beautiful weather before Monday comes and I head back to work.

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