We're Home.......

Friday, July 20, 2012
After sitting in DC for over 12 hours with a screaming pooping machine, we finally landed in our city at 11:30pm on April 21, 2012!! Isaiah could barely keep his eyes open and all I wanted to do was see Noah and finally have both of my boys in my arms at the same time. It felt like it took hours for us to land and get off the plane. Once we got in the airport, I stopped and put on the actual last outfit I had for Noah. Judge if you will, but yes I had one more outfit that I refused to put on Isaiah until we were walking in our airport. The reason was because I had matching shirts made for the boys to wear at our homecoming. Nothing had gone as I had hoped or planned so far and call me crazy but it was the one thing I could still make happen, was to have my boys wear their special shirts when they met each other.

I was so touched by those who chose to stick it out and welcome us home, even though it was almost midnight by the time we walked through the gates. To be honest with you that night is still kind of a blur. I was so tired and just wanted to see my family and take a shower, Ha!! Yes I will admit I looked ROUGH, LOL These pictures may not have been professional and have some red eye in them, but man do they catch the real emotion to those first few moments of my boys meeting each other and Isaiah meeting his Grammy, Sissie and cousins and extended family and friends who had prayed for him for 18 long months. Enjoy the pictures from the evening!! It never felt so good to be HOME!!

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