At His Feet

Saturday, October 8, 2011
"But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" Luke 5:16

This is exactly what I have been doing the last few weeks. I wish I had the words to tell you what has been going on, but the truth is a time came where all the raw emotions of this adoption journey came out, judgement was placed by people who don't even know me, words were said that hurt, and I found myself at the lowest place I have ever been since starting this adoption journey almost a year was then that I found myself at the Father's feet, surrendering all the hurt, pain, fear and worry to him!! To say the last few weeks have been amazing would be an understatement!! To withdraw myself from all the business of the world and just find comfort and solace in the Almighty Father who is the same yesterday and today, has been amazing. These last few weeks have been filled with prayer (LOTS of it) and scripture reading and just spending time with the one who created me, the one who knows my hopes and dreams. It's funny how the devil uses our insecurities against us, but when we make the decision to stop allowing him to have control, God is able to do wonderful things. I allowed Satan control for too long over my insecurities. While I am still a work in progress and I pray daily that my strength comes from HIM, I know that my future is bright and that there will be a day that I am standing in Ethiopia, preparing to meet my son and by God's Grace there will soon be a day where I have him home and in my arms forever. Until that day I will keep my eyes focused on the ONE who matters most, the one who pierced my heart for the orphans and adoption years ago and not the people of this world who want to tear me down.

Heavenly Father, I pray tonight that you continue to give me strength to walk this journey with your eyes, seeing past the hurt through to the person and instead of allowing their comments to control me, I pray I take that time and opportunity to pray for them. Praying that they too will have a heart for your children all over the world. May we all see past what the world says and thinks and see solely with your eyes and your heart. Watch over Silas Father, keep him safe until he is in my arms forever.

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