
Thursday, November 4, 2010
WOW!! The blog is up and running full force!! Thank you SO MUCH to Becca at Jumping Jack Design for the amazing blog design!! I am blown away with how it looks!! Anyone who is looking for a great blog design be sure and visit Becca and check out all the unique designs she has done, and so much more!!

So I thought I would give everyone a little update as to where things are with the adoption. First let me answer the most asked question. "Do I know who the little boy is I will be adopting?"

No, I don't. The actual referral process where a picture/information about a perspective child is sent to me won't happen until I get approved by Ethiopia. I am currently working on that now. My home study is scheduled for December 14th and after that is done I hope to have all my paperwork signed, sealed and delivered by the first of the year!! Prayers for this process are much appreciated!!

While I don't know what my son looks like just yet, I do have his name picked out. I knew I wanted him to have a strong biblical name like Noah and I have always liked the name Silas! I have prayed over this little boy God has chosen for me and I know this name will fit him perfectly once I have him in my arms forever. Although this could change, at this time I plan on keeping Silas's birth name a part of his new name. After talking to a sweet lady who has adopted two boys from Ethiopia, I decided to keep his birth name as his middle name. That way he will always have a part of Ethiopia with him :)

Noah is beyond excited about this entire process!! It melts my heart to see the joy in his face when he talks about his little brother coming to live with us and to hear him praying nightly for God to take care of his little brother in Africa and to bring him home soon! I can't wait to see them together. I know they will have a very special bond!!

I'm sure you have noticed the ChipIn on the left hand side of my blog. Please know I don't expect a hand out but the harsh reality is that adoption is very expensive. I know that God put adoption on my heart and I know he will provide throughout this process. After much consideration I decided to add the ChipIn should anyone feel lead to donate. It is very easy and please know anything you choose to give is very appreciated! From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

I am currently working on different fund raising ideas to raise money as well as designing a shirt to sell. As soon as the t-shirt design is finished I will post a picture as well as information on how to order one, two or more!!

Well, that about does it :) Thank you in advance for your prayers and support as I continue this amazing journey to bring home Noah's little brother and making Ethiopia minus one!!

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