I have tried to think of the words to express all that I am thankful for this year. God has done such amazing things in my life, and for some there are no words to describe my gratitude. Even in times of trials and weakness he taught me how to rely solely on my faith and HIM to make it through. The beginning of this year was a time of different "test" that have since added great strength to my TESTimony. The experiences he brought me through taught me that no matter how unsure I may be of my ability to make it through the hard times, he will give me strength that only he can provide and I CAN make it through anything with him. Matthew 19:26
I am thankful for the honor he has given me to be called Mommy by my precious little boy. To be told when you are a teenager that you will never have children of your own, and then to be blessed with such an amazing gift is truly just that, a gift! Life with Noah is a wonderful adventure, one that I savor every minute of. He brings such joy to my life and I could not be any prouder of the little boy he is growing into. I pray God uses him in mighty ways as he continues to grow in HIM. 1st Peter 3:18
My family whom without life would be very boring, lol seriously though, in their own way each member of my family have helped shape me into the kind of person I have become today. They have supported me, encouraged me and have always been there for me. I will always consider myself blessed to have such an awesome family to call mine. Matthew 6:21
God has shown me through the years that friends are not a necessity in life but an added bonus to this adventure we are all on. I will always consider myself lucky to have a hand full of people who I know I can count on no matter what, instead of having numerous friends who are quick to run when problems arise. Proverbs 17:17
I will always be thankful that God has provided a wonderful church where I can go and get fed his Word, learn more about him and worship and fellowship with my church family. This last year God has opened my eyes to a lot when it comes to the church and the church body. My prayer is that I will take what he has shown me and continue to look to him for guidance and direction and be his continued disciple in helping to grow his kingdom.
1st Corinthians 12:12-26
I continue to thank him and praise him for the burden he placed on my heart so many years ago about orphans of the world and adoption, and how he has used life's experiences, friendships and the testimonies of complete strangers to lead me to this amazing journey I am now on. Had you told me a year ago that at this time I would be preparing for my home study and preparing my dossier, I probably would have laughed in disbelief. Of course you know what they say. " You wanna hear God laugh, tell him your plans" The further into this process I get, the more excited I get!! Proverbs 31:28
I can't talk about the adoption without talking about the amazing people God has brought into my life through this process. Not only has he given me an awesome agency to work with, but with that wonderful ladies who have been there to help me, answer questions, support me and remind me to take it one day at time, because yes it is overwhelming at times :) God has also given me a new group of people who I look forward to continuing to growing friendships with. Amazing people who have either already been blessed through adoption or are in the process as I am. It has been wonderful to hear their stories, get advice, support and encouragement from all of them. God couldn't have chosen better families for these precious children. I know God is going to use this experience for his glory as he already has in so many ways. Psalms 68:5-6
Of course yesterday, today and everyday until his return I will shout it from the roof top, THANK YOU Father for the amazing gift of your son Jesus Christ, whom without him I am nothing. You have blessed my life in ways I never thought possible. I don't deserve all you do for me. Thank you for your mercy, your grace and your LOVE. Ephesians 2:4-5
I hope that each and every one of you had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving with those you love. May God bless you and keep you and be with you as we move into the wonderful season of Advent. Isaiah 7:14
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