Our Story......

Friday, October 19, 2012
Recently I was contacted by my church's newspaper and asked if they could interview me for a story they wanted to write about my little family and my journey to bring Isaiah home. I was extremely humbled and honestly couldn't believe out of the 20,000 members (yes there are that many people who belong to my church, lol ) they wanted to do a story about us. I of course took it as an opportunity to bring more Glory to God for everything he did during those 18 months and to tell of the amazing ways he provided for my adoption!! I never want people to look at my adoption story as something I did as a single mom! I instead always want people to see what God did through me. I was only the clay, He was the potter!! To read the story click here
"Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand" Isaiah 64:8

1 comment

  1. That's really awesome! And what a great picture of the three of you!
