I still have a hard time believing it has been 12 weeks since I have held my sweet boy. While it feels like a lot longer, I have to be honest and tell you the time has gone by pretty quickly........until now!! It seems like ever since finding out Isaiah's birth mom has her embassy interview that time has stopped!! These last couple of weeks have been so hard and frustrating but as always the Lord is Gracious and in my sadness he has sent another blessing to sustain me until I can get back to Ethiopia.
Do ya'll remember me mentioning my friend who was going back to Ethiopia to stay with her daughter until she and her husband got embassy clearance. Well She has been there for going on 6 days now and what an incredible blessing she has been to me!! Everyday I have woken up to an e-mail with little updates on my little guy and of course precious pictures that just melt my heart!!
Seriously look at that face!! Could you not just eat him up!! I have to admit there is a part of me that just gets so sad looking at how "big" he is looking!! I compared his referral picture to these pictures and oh my word, he has changed so much :) I love this picture below. Not only is it the most sweetest picture ever but I love how there is a picture of Noah and I on the wall for him to look at. I still have to laugh at the pink shirt. It's funny, I have like 4-5 pictures of him in this shirt. I don't know about you, but I think this picture looks like he is thinking "come get me mommy, I'm ready to come home"

Not only is Isaiah getting plenty of love from Julie but I also have a couple of other friends who are in Ethiopia right now for court and embassy who have loved on him for me!! I love to think of all the wonderful friendships I have made because of this adoption journey and all the sweet little children that Isaiah will get to know and connect with in the states as he gets older. I am already thinking of planning a little 3-4 day weekend trip to Colorado later this summer to visit some friends who's son was in the transition house with Isaiah, and I plan to visit with some other friends in DC on the way to and from Ethiopia. Both sets of friends stayed in Ethiopia for weeks while they were stuck in Embassy so they know my sweet boy pretty well and are praying with me that he is home soon!!
Of course Julie and I have already said we will be lifelong friends! I have so enjoyed getting to know her through e-mails and text messages and neither one of us can wait for me to get to Ethiopia so we can finally meet in person!! Please be praying that Julie and Adam make it through embassy without any problems. They are still waiting to hear about their case.
I have so much to update ya'll on :) but until now haven't been able to find the time or the energy to unload everything into a blog post. I seriously may need to break it down into
2-3 post, Ha! Between birthday parties (a certain little "big" man turned 7) and work issues, health stuff and the usual favorite of mine "spending much needed time with my Father" I just haven't had the mental energy to blog. I did however want to update ya'll on my sweet boy. Honestly I stay humbled that you choose to follow me on this journey and pray for me and my little family.
Check back this week, I might surprise you with another post in the same week, Ha!!
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