
Thursday, January 12, 2012
THANK YOU to all of you who prayed for me last week!! Not only did I survive the flights, lol and being away from Noah but I also PASSED COURT and my MOWA letter WAS THERE!!!!

I am still praising God for his Mercy and Grace!!!! I have SO MUCH to blog about but honestly I am STILL fighting jet lag :( I don't think coming home and starting a new job 2 days later agreed with me, Ha! The trip was AMAZING and I am forever thankful that the Lord chose me to go on this journey. Not only has he blessed me with the sweetest little boy to mother but he allowed me to see his beautiful creation half way around the world. I plan on blogging as much as I can this weekend about the trip and about the day I heard "He Is Yours" Until then I wanted to introduce to you all my precious little Isaiah Nathnael!! He turned 7 months old this week and I am praying he is home soon!! He has a big brother who can't wait to meet him!!


  1. Congratulations! He is beautiful!!!

  2. oh my goodness, Sarah!! He is SOO CUTE! Thanks for sharing these precious pictures so we can REJOICE with you over all that God has done! Can't wait to have play dates with our children one day when they are all home, safe and sound! =)

  3. Thanks ya'll :) I definitely left part of my heart in Ethiopia and I pray he is home soon!! Bethany I pray your sweet kiddos are home soon and yes I can't wait to have some super fun play dates!!

  4. He is absolutely ADORABLE! SO SO cute. I was looking forward to this post! We're praying for a court date soon :)

  5. SOOO handsome!!! Congratulations!!! Rejoicing with you :-)
