I am so excited to tell ya'll about these neat red (one of the colors of the Ethiopian flag!) stretch bracelets that I am selling for ONLY $5.00!!!!!!! Seriously who doesn't have $5?? On one side of the bracelet it says Praying Silas Home and on the other side it says James 1:27 These bracelets can be used for not only raising money for Silas but also to raise awareness to the orphan crisis as well as spreading the gospel. Who wouldn't love it if someone ask you what does James 1:27 mean?!?!
I would LOVE to sell every single bracelet I have (all 400 of them!!) because friends that means 400 more people would be praying for my sweet boy and the other 147 million orphans in the world!!! SO who wants one?!?!
Ordering is EASY!! Simply click on the donate button, put in your amount to donate and the number of bracelets you want along with your shipping address. I do ask that you include $1 for shipping please. If you have ANY questions please e-mail me at ethiopiaminusone@gmail.com
Thanks in advance for your support and prayers!! I can't wait to tell Silas all the stories of how God worked in getting him home to his forever family!!

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