Praying Silas Home!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011 No comments
For those of you who have adopted or are in the process you know fundraising can get hard!! You feel like you are always asking the same people to do this, buy this and so forth and so on. SO when I read about a friend who got a great deal on some bracelets to raise money for her domestic adoption I thought I would look into it.

I am so excited to tell ya'll about these neat red (one of the colors of the Ethiopian flag!) stretch bracelets that I am selling for ONLY $5.00!!!!!!! Seriously who doesn't have $5?? On one side of the bracelet it says Praying Silas Home and on the other side it says James 1:27 These bracelets can be used for not only raising money for Silas but also to raise awareness to the orphan crisis as well as spreading the gospel. Who wouldn't love it if someone ask you what does James 1:27 mean?!?!

I would LOVE to sell every single bracelet I have (all 400 of them!!) because friends that means 400 more people would be praying for my sweet boy and the other 147 million orphans in the world!!! SO who wants one?!?!

Ordering is EASY!! Simply click on the donate button, put in your amount to donate and the number of bracelets you want along with your shipping address. I do ask that you include $1 for shipping please. If you have ANY questions please e-mail me at

Thanks in advance for your support and prayers!! I can't wait to tell Silas all the stories of how God worked in getting him home to his forever family!!

Sweet Reminders In Scripture

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 No comments
I sometimes laugh at myself for even having a blog. Not only because I am at times one of the most random blog posters (is that even correct English, lol) but also because I feel like I never have the words to express what it is going on through my head and my heart. I guess that is why at least 2-3 times a week I sign on with every intention of writing a post, only to sign off without every actually doing it. When I started this blog it was really just to keep a timeline of the adoption for myself, but now almost a year later I see that through this blog I have "met" some wonderful people who have come alongside me in this journey and encouraged me in ways only God knew I needed.

For anyone who has or is adopting you know that with every step forward, there at times can be 10 steps back!! Over the last 2 weeks I have been getting knocked down more then I have been stepping forward. Yesterday marked 3 months since my dossier arrived in Ethiopia!! From the beginning I knew it would take 3-6 from arrival date to receive a referral. So needless to say I have been getting a little excited. Last week I found out that it is now looking like it will be closer to the full 6 months before I get to see that precious face!! While I know this entire adoption is in God's hands and that just as he says he makes everything beautiful in his timing, I was disappointed to know I may not see that face until closer to the end of the year. Of course I already have one super cute face I get to see, kiss and love on everyday :) Seriously, it that kid cute or what! He is so excited about getting to finally see a picture of his brother. To hear him pray for Silas every night and to see him find old toys that he no longer plays with and immediately tell me we need to save those for Silas just melts my heart.

Last night during my bible study my friend shared a verse with the class. "Do not grow weary in well doing, for you will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time" Gal 6:9 Those words spoke so deep in my heart. The last few weeks have been a struggle for me in different areas, and it was a beautiful reminder of God's many promises to us. The neatest thing was I received a e-mail from another friend today who quoted that exact same scripture to me!! Can we say God is speaking!!

Those words bring such peace to me, for I know that all the stress and struggle now will bring my little boy home in the Lord's timing. I am so thankful that I am surrounded by believers who encourage me, support me, pray for me and love through all the ups and downs of adoption. Some I have never met, others I have known a short time but yet each and every one of you have touched my life in ways that I will always remember and never let go of.

The Lord tends to give me beautiful reminders that he is near, he is watching over Silas and he is leading this adoption every step of the way, until the day Silas is in my arms forever. Take a look at this picture I snapped with my IPhone on the way home from one of my Both Hands meetings. Such a small glimpse into what awaits us all who put our faith and trust in Jesus!!

Adoption and Faith

Sunday, September 11, 2011 1 comment
Having a blog not only means you open up parts of your life for all to see but you also have the opportunity to meet wonderful ladies through other blogs. Some who God truly uses to minister to your heart through their lives and experiences. That is what happened when I came across Danielle's blog months ago. Her words spoke so deeply to me, encouraging me on my adoption journey. Recently I have had so many emotions going through my mind and heart that I simply have not had the words. I decided to reach out to Danielle and ask her if she would do a guest post on my blog. I didn't give her much detail, just that I would love for her to do a post on adoption and faith. What she has written below is beautiful and I hope will touch your heart as it has mine.

Right now I am sitting here watching two beautiful, sweet, intelligent, God loving young ladies fold their laundry.

Last night they slept over their best friends' house.

This past month, they started their third year of school (second and a be exact).

This summer they traveled with us to El Paso to visit my in-laws.

This past spring break they came with us to visit my home town, NYC...and ate their weight in pizza.

This past Christmas, they squealed with joy as they opened their new skateboards sent by Abuelitos.

In September of last year, they were both baptized, by their amazing father.

Last summer they went to Charleston with their Abuelitos for 4 days.

In May and June of 2010, they had birthday parties with friends from school....over 20 friends each that is!

In January of 2010 they saw snow for the first time.

In December of 2009, they celebrated their first Christmas...complete with red and yellow flamed guitars.

In October of 2009 they met their cousins, and their Tio and Tia for the first time.

In September of 2009 they boarded a plane...a plane that would take them to a whole new world, a whole new family, and a whole new life.

That day on that plane...they had no idea what had transpired for months before.

Three different court dates, countless moments of heartbreak...and countless moments of rejoicing. Hours of prayers, from hundreds of people....thousands of dollars given and borrowed. Three showers, and one beautiful room. A mamma's doubts..... and a father's frustration. Feelings of complete helplessness, and despair. Great hope at the ring of every phone. So many tears, both happy and sad. So much confusion. So much faith being built, in both us and them.

They had no idea then, and maybe they will never fully understand. But that time in my life is marked by the deepest need for God I have ever experienced. It wasn't the desperate crisis type of need that is really potent, but often quite short. It was a daily, aching in the pit of my stomach that lasted for two years until we were able to bring them home. It was a daily communication with the Father whom I had questioned at every turn. It was a daily fight for my I couldn't win, but that He won for me.

My prayer for Sarah and all those out there in that phase of their lives, is that God would daily increase their faith in Him. That He would use this time in their lives as a marker of his faithfulness and grace. That He would redeem the broken pieces of their belief, and draw them closer to Him.

Danielle is a child of God, the wife of an amazing man, the mother of two sweet young ladies from Ethiopia, the friend of some God loving women, a sister, a teacher, a wanna-be writer, a lover of Coke, Carrie Underwood, House, David Cook, The Voice, Starbucks and a woman in the process of sanctification, covered in grace, and saved by the work of Jesus Christ. You can read more from her family, faith and day to day life at This Life I Live.


Ten years ago I sat in shock and cried for those who lost loved one, those who lost their lives and for our country that lost so much on that horrible day. Now ten years later I am still heart broken for the thousands of lives that were lost and affected by the evil acts that touched our country that day. Even now ten years later, there are no words!! Just prayers for the thousands who lost their lives and their families. May we never forget!!