My First Blog Link

Friday, January 28, 2011
I love reading blogs and always find such encouragement and inspiration and laughter from reading them. I read local blogs of sweet families who have adopted from Ethiopia, China and Guatemala as well as blogs from around the country. I can honestly say God has been using blogs to open my eyes to the orphan crisis and to grow that seed he placed in my heart over 10 years ago to adopt. How thankful I am for blogs :)

This morning while doing my daily blog reading I saw where Kelly was doing a Show Us Your Life Adoption Story. I was so excited to go and begin to read the many adoption stories of those who have either gone through the process, are in the middle or who are praying about making the decision to add to their family by the miracle of adoption. I think this is such an awesome idea and what better way to spread the word about adoption and to encourage those who are in the process. I think I speak for a lot of families going through it when I say adoption is not easy. At times it feels like there are so many hoops to jump through, so many set backs and other times of frustration. I know I have experienced times where it literally feels as though nothing is happening and I am moving backward instead of forward.

One of the best things I have and continue to experience through this adoption process is the constant love and reminder that my Father is in control. It has been a great comfort during the frustrating times to know that he already knows when my sweet boy will join our family forever. I just have to continue to be still. As much as I pray that things begin to move forward at a quicker rate then they have been lately, I pray more that this adoption continues to be lead by God and nothing else. God has taught my so much these last few months and I will be forever grateful for this experience and how it has grown my faith.

Please pray for the millions of orphans in the world. Pray that God would watch over them and keep them safe and happy until their forever families come to bring them home. Pray that eyes and hearts would be open and that families would take that step of faith to make the world one less orphan. Pray that churches would open their eyes as well and do what they can to bring awareness to their church body. God calls us ALL to take care of his children. That is not saying everyone has to adopt, but it is saying we ALL have to do SOMETHING!

I could go on and on about this, as it has turned into a great passion of mine. If any of you have any questions or simply don't know where to start, I would love to talk to you. Feel free to e-mail me at

I should seriously come to Panera Bread more often! A cup of Chai Tea, my laptop and a big window with a great view makes for some great blogging :) Have a blessed day!

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