I don't think the word "busy" even begins to touch on my past week, Ha!! One of the
highlights of the week was getting this beauty in the mail :) For those who know me know that odds of me ever needing a passport were slim to none! I have a horrible fear of flying and have actually never flown!! I know, sounds crazy coming from a lady who will hopefully be traveling to Africa next year to bring my son home!! The first thing Noah did when he saw it was get a huge smile on his face and ask me if I could go the next day to get his brother?!?! He is so excited and can not wait for his brother to get here!! If only that sweet boy we have yet to meet knew how loved and wanted he is!!

I have been thinking of different ways to introduce Noah to Ethiopia and it's culture. I have decided he will be going with me when I travel next year. I think it is very important for him to know and to "see" where his brother came from. Some friends of mine told me about a local Ethiopian
restaurant that I should check out. So last week in between unpacking and organizing Noah and I went and experienced some yummy Ethiopian food!! It was a great experience with some yummy food. Noah was not too sure about the food and at one point he asked me if we could go to
LOL I'm thinking the presentation of the food might have had something to do with it. We ate it traditional style without forks. The owner came out and introduced herself when she found out I was in the process of adopting from Ethiopia and told me I had to come back once I got my little guy home!! I assured her we would be back :)

between moving, unpacking and organizing we ALSO decorated our new home for Christmas!! It was driving me CRAZY that we were unable to put our tree up the weekend after Thanksgiving! That has been the tradition ever since I was a little girl and I have kept that tradition up with Noah. With moving the first week of December I knew we would have to wait, so you better believe I was like a crazy lady wanting to get all the decorations up so we would plenty of time to enjoy them :)
I have always loved the Willow Tree Angles and have ALWAYS wanted the Nativity set, but would NEVER spend that much money on a decoration. Well this year my wonderful mom surprised me and got it for me!! I had the biggest smile on my face and as embarrassed as I am to admit it, I actually got teary eyed as I set it up. I absolutely love it and I don't have any plans on packing it up once Christmas is over!! It looks way too perfect in my dining room!!

Noah was excited to decorate his room :) I got him his own little tree that he decorated all by "himself" :) and since his current obsession is all things firetrucks and firefighters and "chop chops" (Nutcrackers) I knew he would love his very own Firefighter Chop Chop!! Then of course he had to set up his own Little People Nativity which is just so cute!! It all looks so cute set up and he loves re-enacting the night Jesus was born with his Nativity!!

I LOVE our tree!! Are those not the coolest looking lights!! Noah loves how the lights go all over the walls and ceilings!! So much that here lately we spend a lot of time in the dark, Ha!!

Adoption Update!! - As most of you know my home study was set and scheduled for today! Well last week I found out that some of the paperwork needed has been delayed and won't be here for another 2-3 weeks. Since my home study can not be done without it, I had to reschedule for next month. I can't lie when I first found out I was upset. I wanted so bad to get my home study done and had hopes of getting my dossier sent off by the end of the year, but apparently God has other things in mind. As I sat in my car having one of my many talks with God about my frustration a feeling of peace came over me and clear as day I heard my Father speak to my heart. "Slow down daughter of mine, all things come in my timing. Just wait and see what I have in store for you" I knew right then that no matter what bumps I come upon during this process that he is in control. When I officially decided to adopt I prayed that no matter what this adoption would be God driven. I have always had a problem "being still" and sometimes find myself trying to fix things myself instead of letting God take care of them, but not this time! I am going to hold onto that prayer and allow God to have control over every little and big part of this adoption. He has already shown me why this has happened, and knowing that is so comforting!!
While I wait for the needed documents to arrive I am keeping busy enjoying this beautiful Christmas season with my precious boy and family, reflecting on all the the Lord has done in my life. This year has been one of joy, celebrations, happiness, trials and experiences that forced me to realize that those you thought would always be there, won't be. God used those experiences to help me grow not only in my faith but in my relationship with HIM and for that I will always feel so blessed.
Prayer Request!! - I would love to ask that you lift up in prayer two sweet families who are traveling this month! Lesley and her husband Thom are in Ethiopia right now picking up their sweet boy Noah!! They come home this weekend and I am so excited for them!! You can follow along with them by clicking here You can also click
here to read about Lesli and her husband Ryan and their journey to their sweet little guy. They are traveling to meet him this weekend!! I am so happy for both of these sweet couples and can't wait until they are home forever with their sweet kiddos!! Thank you for praying for them! Please also pray for the millions of orphans still left without families. Pray that seeds would be planted and eyes and hearts will be open to that which God calls us to do. To care for the orphans and widows of the world!!
ALSO - I STILL have ornaments for sale!! Only $6 and all the money will go towards my adoption!! You can e-mail me at
ethiopiaminusone@gmail.com or if you are on my facebook you can message me through there as well. Not too late to add a beautiful and unique ornament to the tree!!
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