I have been home three days and honestly have no idea how long it will take me to process everything the Lord did during my time in Jacmel, Haiti the 11 days I was there. I could have NEVER dreamed or imagined what the Almighty had up His sleeve for my time there. One thing He made clear was His desire for me to use my spiritual gift of nursing for medical missions. While I don't know just yet what that is going to look like, I do know that is why He called me back to school when He did. I have decided to spend the next 12 months finishing school and staying in constant prayer that He would continue to make His path for my life known and that I would be obedient.
Haiti is such an amazing beautiful place but so dark at the same time. The enemy is alive at every corner, prowling over the poor and desperate. Voodoo is overwhelming there and the amount of people who think that is the answer is overwhelmingly sad and real. There were times that I just wanted to scream at them to turn from the darkness and turn to JESUS, their Savior and light!!! If only it were that easy. Sadly there were many who heard the Gospel and yet still turned from it. I can only hope that the many seeds that were planted will grow over the coming weeks and months and that those who turned will soon find the Light.
Our six days of medical clinics went amazing. The sick were healed in the name of Jesus, the Gospel was preached and over 30 people gave their lives to Christ!!! It was incredible. In every child's face I saw HOPE, with every smile I saw JESUS and with every "thank you" spoken in my broken French with a Kentucky twang I saw relationships being built with the Haitian people and the local churches and pastors who we were partnering with. I'm thankful that even though we are gone, that the wonderful pastors in Jacmel will follow up with those we helped and Lord willing more lives will be won for Christ!!
There is SO MUCH MORE I can/want/need to say about my trip, and who knows maybe I will, or maybe the experiences will stay forever etched in my heart, never to leave, always reminding me to go to all nations and preach the Gospel, even if for one soul, one is still a soul for Christ. I hope as the days continue I am able to come back to my little space here and write more. For now I will let the pictures tell a little part of the story.
"I raise my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2